How to motivate developers to write tests

Creating a motivation for developers to make unit testing part of the software development process can be challenging. Although tests can be made a requirement, without clear understanding of the practical purpose of testing, developers might write tests only to pass the code review and keep the code coverage metrics high. However, if the project manager does not force the developers to write tests, who will? I believe that it is the project itself.

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Imagine a software developer, John, who has recently joined a new project. He certainly needs time to get himself acquainted with the software practices that take place in the project: How do developers write their code? How do they verify it works and works correctly? And so on. However, the management hired John because it needs to release the product more more frequently and fix bugs faster, so it cannot give newcomers free time just to get themselves comfortable. As a result, sooner than he realizes, he gets a ticket assigned to him.

The ticket asks John to refactor one of the classes, so that it can properly handle the recently added database table fields. John is familiar with the database interactions, so he completes the task very soon. However, John is hesitated to push his changes as he has not checked that they work properly. He realizes that he has no idea how to run the project locally, how to execute the code he has altered or how to verify that these changes are correct and have no errors. He feels lost by the questions to which he has no answer: “Do I need to run a database instance locally or to connect to a remote one?”, “How do I set up a configuration file, so that it starts the scheduled job to run and trigger my code?”, “What configuration profile should I use locally and what are the differences between them?” At last, John decides to jump into the “test” folder to see if its contents can give him some guidance.

Lucky for him, John finds multiple test suits, which verify the operation of the database interaction layer. He also notices that these test suites have database migration scripts and docker scripts attached to them. His IDE also “recognizes” these tests and allows him to run them with a click of a button. Intuition guides John to see if he can use an existing test to help him check his code. After some time, he finds the right test, fixes it to match the new changes and runs it.

John’s experience showcases a number of important practices associated with tests.

  1. Project design and configuration must lead the developers towards using tests for verification of any made changes.

    Instead of instructing every developer how to set up the necessary environment to run the project locally, create test suites that can automatically set up the necessary environment before running the tests and teardown it afterwards. (using TestContainers or DbUnit, for example). With every pull request the amount of tests will naturally grow, giving the developers (and the management) the ability to introduce changes easily with the support of the test safety net.

  2. Tests must be treated as a project knowledge base.

    Every added test will take away the information from the developers and make the project more team-independent. Whenever a practical example of how to use a certain complex class is needed, developers will refer to the tests, rather than colleagues (who might have already left the company), wiki (which might be out of date) or endless trial and error experiments.

  3. All unit tests must pass before submitting a pull request.

    By running tests every time a new piece of code is added we put trust in our project, rather than in our people. Without passing all tests beforehand, developers must not be able to apply to the code review process, which will quickly get them used to run all unit tests before pushing their local changes to the remote repository.